Primary school charity

Primary school charity
Anna picking mushrooms

Monday 21 February 2011

I am at last in Thailand after an excessively long journey. Wanted to rest but there was to be none of that. we had to acclimatise ourselves to the heat and to the saddle. Was caught in a tropical storm with torrential rain. Two people fell off and I was narrowly missed by a falling tree. 20 km later I got lost and thought 'what the he'll am I doing in this mosquito infested place'? Went to bed after chewing on a red hot chillie which was decoration on my special 'chop suey' I am still recovering from a raw burning bot which was the after effects!

Today was a doodle in comparison. Only 80 km up and down hills where I saw two bright green snakes and was attacked by a dog. I am told spider is on the menu tomorrow, that could be netter than snake or dog! More adventures tomorrow. Food is really good though Iust remember not to chew on the decorations.....

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