Primary school charity

Primary school charity
Anna picking mushrooms

Monday 28 February 2011

We are off again crossing the Vietnamese Border

I was cut off in mid flow yesterday. There must have been a powercut! as I was saying... A real mixed bag. Funny and charming, not a dud amongst them. Some very sporty (one girl has already run 13 marathons!) others not so sporty. We have a professor in Japanese history, we have a little trophy which is handed out each night to someone new. Our professor was the last one to win and decided to award it tor or miss Congeniality (no-one wanted to win since being 'congeniality' is usually awarded to the one who is not good enough to be best). I am rambling npt sure when next wifi will be. We have just been called to mount our bikes. Off down Mekon river to Vietnam.... Look forward to my next instalment...

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